About us


We are a team of volunteers and parents who have children with Zellweger Spectrum Disorder, or have lost their children to this cruel disease.
We all give our time for free and our only vested interest is that we all desperately want better treatments, diagnostics and eventually even a cure!
We aim to promote and protect the physical and mental health of sufferers of ZSD and their families in the UK by the provision of grants and/or equipment, support and practical advice.
We aim to advance the education of the public by supporting research into Peroxisomal Disorders and disseminating the useful results for the public benefit.

Research like this is incredibly expensive, but even relatively small amounts of money can allow researchers to test out ideas that, if they turn out to be right, could form the basis for applications for larger grants from the research councils or trusts. A little CAN go a long way and raise awareness for a rare disease that gets little in the way of media coverage and attention.

If your family, or a family you know is or has been affected by Zellweger Spectrum Disorder, please do not hesitate to contact us. admin@zellweger.org.uk